In order to provide guidance to scholars towards high level academic achievements and publish works in internationally renowned journals as well as expanding scientific impact, the Academic Forum by Editors of Internationally Renowned Journals and Web of Science 2018 Highly Cited Researchers, organized by College of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University, is to be held in Zhengzhou, China during October 21-26, 2019. The forum will be an important international platform for various scholars to learn and share valuable experience concerning writing scientific works to be published in high impact journals, tending to be as highly cited papers and/or hot papers in Web of Science. Highly Cited papers and Hot papers identified by Clarivate Analytics is a gread honor for schoars and well-recgonized in the world. The plenary and keynote speakers will bring us state-of-art researches and special expertise in preparing high level papers.
For the forum, academicians who are editors of high impact journals and highly cited researchers are invited as plenary speaker to introduce their journals and share their guidance on writing skills and academic publication. Various scholars and experts are welcomed to attend the forum, meanwhile, there will be opportunities for attendees to submit excellent papers to several special issues of journals for review and publication.